Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day 15 and 16: Granny Eyre

Day 15: Decorations

If there's something I've learned about life it is to let go of perfection. Yesterday I didn't post because I forgot to get a picture of the decorations I wanted to post. Today I was going to skip it again because I forgot to snap a picture before I left home again. So this picture is not the picture I intended to post, but there's still a story.

This is a small decoration in my office that I made myself. The tutoring team was hosting a focus group for their volunteers and there were extra materials to make these. It's really a picture frame, but we decorated it to become a dry erase board. I keep this quote on my desk now to remind myself to just keep going.

Day 16: Favorite Christmas Song

This one also stumped me because I didn't know how to take a picture of a song. Then Captain said she was going to take a screenshot of a YouTube clip, possibly because she just figured out how to take screenshots on her phone. I've really been enjoying the lyrics feature on Spotify, so I took a picture of a favorite Christmas song on that music player. 

I won't say this is my absolute favorite because I'm not sure how to pick a favorite. This is one of my favorites. I like that it reminds me that even though sometimes I feel judged when I read the Bible that really Jesus came to the earth to bring joy. It also reminds me that I have to make room in my heart to let him in. It's just a happy song.

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