Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Friday, January 29, 2016

You're Beautiful!

Yesterday when my phone died, I was using the online Group Me chat to communicate with the other TwentySomethings. When I opened my computer this morning, this message was there.

Thanks, Group Me! I didn't shower and I'm wearing somewhat comfy clothes, but you still think I look great. 

By the way, all of the TwentySomethings also look great. You're all beautiful people in each of your individual ways.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Morning Struggles

Most mornings I wake up to the gentle sounds of "Pie Jesu" being sung by the Celtic Women and ask, either in my head or aloud, "Does anyone else want to get out of bed and go to work for me?"

No one ever answers.

So I drag myself out of bed and get ready for work.

*Please note that work is not the problem. The problem lies in my bed; it's too warm and cozy. I don't want to leave my bed in the mornings.*

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Martha Learns a Word

Just learned a new word and wanted to make it known since I thought it was so neat.

That is all.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

And...we're all snowed in!

Although I have had more free time in the last couple of weeks without school being in session, I have neglected to blog recently. But several of my fellow Twenty-Somethings have inspired me to write a post. My first week of the Spring semester is complete, expect we didn't go to school Monday or Friday. I won't ever have classes on Mondays this semester but Friday was a snow day! It was a nerve-racking drive to school in the snow on Wednesday but other than that it was a fine day. I now have a long list of readings and homework to do, and what am I doing instead...blogging. I did check some readings and assignments off my list yesterday during my snowed-in day, but I still have lots more to do.

I am attempting to stay warm on this cold day, but it is difficult in an old, drafty basement. I am missing my parent's wood-heated, warm home. I've been staying warm under a blanket on the couch though, and of course with a warm beverage. I went outside briefly yesterday and I also took a couple of photos on Wednesday during the first round of (very light) snowfall. Captain, Granny and I went sledding. It was fun! Enjoy my photos, I hope to take more soon!

I don't think Cruella is going anywhere anytime soon.
Couldn't see my steps until I shoveled them out

                                                                                                                         -The Farmer's Daughter

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A Quick Stop at Work

Woah! It's snowing like crazy out there, but I'm here at work with a cup of tea and a mini muffin. I thought I'd drop by and give a few thoughts from my life.

I just finished a really thought provoking book entitled A Prayer for Owen Meany. It had a lot of commentary on political events from the 60s and religious faith. At the heart of it was a story about two boys who became best friends in spite of the fact that one boy's baseball killed the other's mother. I'd recommend this book to anyone in for a long haul with a book. It has some language and risque topics, so it's for 20 somethings and above. Keep your eye on my personal blog for a book review soon.

Searching for a book cover image made me realize that there are many iconic symbols in this book. This cover is the one that I read from. The dollmakers dummy respresents the mother and the Mary Magdalene statue. I can't really say much else without giving away plot points. Other iconic images that have made covers include an armadillo, a tomato-red truck, a baseball, and a boy. 
There is a movie based slightly off of the book. In my blog post, I will discuss how Simon Birch does and does not represent Owen Meany.

Right now at work, I am helping the tutoring team think through their training. I also have been hosting transition meetings to help acclimate our newest team member to the programs that work with children. In the future, there is potential that I will be leading trainings for volunteers and students. I'll get to teach!

Very soon, I'll begin the job search for my first teaching position. I'm excited to be in a classroom. This time away has only reinforced my desire to work with teenagers. I'm also itching to know where I'll be living next. I'm open to most anywhere in Kentucky. I want to stay close to family and friends, and I already somewhat understand the Kentucky school systems. As far as grade level goes, I'm not sure yet. I can see positives for both younger and older high school students.

Now that you've gotten a small glimpse into my life, I must get back to work. Today I am spending my morning doing research about tutoring best practices. This afternoon I have several meetings.


Sunday, January 17, 2016

Walking and Working

Hello friends! It's been a couple weeks since I posted. Some happy things have happened in these last weeks. One, I got offered a job, temporary, but hey still a job. And for those of you wondering it's a custodian job. I know not very glamorous but I love cleaning. It is very relaxing and takes my mind off of the craziness of life. I'm excited and also a bit nervous. I know that God will give me the strength to do this job though. On to number two, every day in this new year so far, minus one kind of day, Granny Eyre and I have taken wonderful walks mostly in the gym but occasionally when it's warm we will walk outside. It has been super refreshing for me. Just being active is a good way for me to feel less anxious. And I rather enjoy the conversations that we have while walking. That's about it from me for now. I am attaching a picture of a tracking of the walk that was taken earlier today, aren't phones nifty like that!?

Friday, January 15, 2016

Meeting the Parents. AKA: My Trip to Maine

As you may already know, I went on a vacation over the Holidays. I apologize for missing several of the daily photo updates for December towards the end. I discovered that it became increasingly difficult to write on the blog without a computer and/or internet connection! That being said, I have a few interesting things to write about this upcoming month, so bear with me!

So where did I go on my vacation, you ask? I went to Maine! Jeff wanted to take me back to where he grew up so that I could see where he lived and meet his family. I had never been that far up north before, so I was excited to see a new part of the country. It was approximately a 15 hour drive, but it took us two days to get there and two days to get back. We decided early on that we were going to take our time so that we did not exhaust ourselves or feel rushed (it was supposed to be a vacation after all!). 
We made it!

I didn't do a whole lot of sightseeing because we were visiting family members most of the time (who were all really nice by the way). However, I did get to eat scallops, taste blueberry beer, and ate my very first whoopie pie! I also did some shopping at L.L. Bean and made a snowman while it was 50 degrees & raining back in KY! On our way back, I got to go to the beach, which is the only place I said I absolutely wanted to go. I've been to the beach several times before, but this was the first time going to the beach when there was snow covering the sand! It was also my first time hunting for shells at midnight!  
Our very first snowman together! Haha

Isn't he cute?

As you can imagine, I had many hours to be bored in the car. We sang karaoke and took silly photos. I colored in my new adult coloring book that I got for Christmas and did whatever I could think of to pass the time. 
We spent so much time together over the trip, we are now starting to resemble one another! LOL

I believe this trip brought us closer together, and I am very glad that I went. I'm also very thankful that I was able to be off work for a week with my "new" job! 

I know I'm a little late in asking this, but how was everyone else's holiday? What was your New Years' Resolution (and are you still sticking to it)? 
Until next time, 

Miss Ellaneous  

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tidbits from TwentySomethings

So I for some reason am unable to update our cover photo. My guess is that I don't have administrator privileges because the internet decided I didn't need them. I wanted to share this photo with you all that I made while playing Bananagrams.


Friday, January 1, 2016

Day 31: Reflection

The photo challenge says "Reflect 2013" for Day 31. I feel sorta silly actually reflecting on 2013 since I know I should only be reflecting on 2015. But, I started looking back at photos from 2013 and couldn't help but make a collage of all the good memories I found. So much happened in 2013!!

1. I went to Hawaii with my mother to visit with my Aunt Penny!
2. Martha S. got hitched! 
3. My first niece was born. in January
4. The end of my undergrad junior year and the beginning of my senior year.
5. I met my beau!
6. I was obsessed with Thrift Shop by Macklemore

It was a really great year. 

Now, more importantly, the review of 2015....
2015 was another great year. It's difficult to admit that it's actually over. First of all, my beau's niece was born in January, a very happy time indeed. We got inches upon inches of snowfall this year, and it got SO COLD! Also, the last of the musketeers, Captain Something Fun graduated from undergraduate! This summer, all the musketeers attended our 4th annual camping trip., good times had by all! I took a trip to Georgia with my beau and his family...I miss the beautiful beaches and the waves. I also moved into my very first apartment,... how exciting! Finally, a big step in the right direction: I was accepted into the OT graduate program and began the transition year! What a great year it's been! I'm very excited for more adventures in 2016! 

                                                                                                                        -The Farmer's Daughter