Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Field Trip

Hello Friends! Random thought here as I begin to write, I think that the word hello should have a w in it at the end. Okay now back on track. This past week and half have been interesting, at least that is what my brain is telling me. I have had the privilege of going on a field trip with the three year old's to explore some on campus. It is fun walking with the children in the same places that I have trod on these past few years. After seeing the fossils and being very fascinated by the pendulum in the science building, we walked to the fountain where the children splashed around a little bit. I had to resist the urge to get the kids wet here. My favorite part was neither visiting those places nor climbing the tower by WoodsPenn. (Mind you a couple of the kids asked if there was an elevator and I had to laugh). My favorite part of the field trip on campus was playing tag in the quad. I don't know what it is about running around being chased by a person three times the size of you but three year old's love it.
Think bubble time...
(I love it too though. Just running with all you've got, not caring a bit what other people are thinking. Just being free. I think that is why I love working with children.)
End think bubble...
All in all I would rate the experience as one in the happy category. While playing tag the kids tackled me to the ground and started jumping on me. Not the greatest experience in the world especially when they sit on your face. I decided since the got me good at tag I would get them back so to speak. Later on that day I had a break so I went to the dollar store and got a bag of water balloons. An hour and 55 water filled  balloons later it was on. Actually I shared all of my balloons with the class and they had a blast. It is a shame though it only took them five minutes to go through all those balloons, if only it had lasted longer...
Since I have been seeing post with pictures in them I decided to put a few in my blog this time around. Enjoy!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your pictures didn't show up :(