Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Beatin' the Heat

Wow, y'all! It's been a hot one here recently! As most of you probably know, my parents choose to keep their home un-air-conditioned. So it can get pretty hot sometimes, especially in the afternoons. Monday was a particularly bad day, but I think the humidity was mostly to blame, instead of the actual temperature.

Anyway, the heat has me really loving popsicles and the water! Nothing beats the heat like jumping in the water. I'm not too picky...I'll swim in a pond (a pond with a dock is best), a swimming pool is always ideal, in the lake from the boat or in the ocean of course! I went swimming with my mom and brother on Monday, it was quiet nice! Today I went swimming in the pool where I'm house-sitting. It was a cooler day today, but the water still felt really nice. I need a pool!

I've also been contemplating the purchase of a popsicle mold! It would be pretty ideal to be able to make my own. I am about to make the purchase off Amazon and try out several different recipes I have seen lately. So refreshing!

Speaking of recipes, I found a really great food blog last week called In it 4 the Long Run. I love it! She shares a ton of healthy recipes. So far I've only tried the Almond Joy Chia pudding. She has lots of smoothie recipes, and more I hope to try soon! Has anyone else discovered any great blogs lately?

I've also been preparing to move in to the basement apartment. It's weird to think I will be living all on my own, but I'm quite excited. There are so many different things I will need and I am trying to prepare myself. I've also been making some cute decorations to hang up. Any suggestions on apartment essentials?

That was sort of a short post, but that's all for now Folks,
The Farmer's Daughter 

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