Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Monday, November 17, 2014


I love the idea of waking up to snow. After hearing about the snow predictions coming I was excited to see the results of the snow slowly piling up this morning. I also got to hear the soft taps of the snow falling on the roof at 5AM when my little pup, Nova, woke me because she wanted to go downstairs. I wasn't excited to be woken up so early, but I was happy to fall back asleep to the calming sound of the snow on the tin while cuddled up under several blankets.

I hope everyone else was also pleased to wake up to the winter...I mean fall..wonderland. My mother was off from school of course, so we took a walk in the woods this afternoon (one of our favorite snow-day activities). The dogs really enjoy running in the snow, eating it, and playing together in it. The llamas seemed to be shivering, they shouldn't have been cold though with their thick fleeces. Chester, the bunny, was sitting in the snow, unaffected by the cold. And you know I enjoyed it... Well, I just wanted to make this short post (between studying) and share some photos from my snow day. What did you get into today?

-The Farmer's Daugther


Megan F. said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! We still had school today of course but I didn't have my 830AM class so I got to sleep in. I had an exam at 130 then met Sarah to go to some shops in Richmond around 4. Now, I'm waiting on the chicken and dumplings to get done in the crockpot so Lucas and I can eat a late supper! I'm excited to see how they turn out.

Unknown said...

Yum! I love chicken and dumplings! Sounds like you had a nice day too!