Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Monday, November 24, 2014


I'm currently at school right now, but the students are writing essays. It's going to be a long day considering all of the classes have work days today for various projects. Tomorrow is my last day here. It's a bittersweet feeling; part of me is ready to go and part of me will miss these teenagers. I'm so excited to have some free time, but I'm also worried about feeling purposeless. It will be great the first couple of weeks, but by the time Christmas "break" is over I'll be ready to get back to doing something productive.

Meanwhile, I'm preparing for graduation. People keep asking me if I'm nervous or excited. I'm sure other Tidbits writers can relate. I'm both. It's a big milestone in my life which is exciting to finally reach, but it's also a scary idea to think that now I'm expected to figure out my life. I don't know what to do with my life. I've got ideas, but I don't know how to start acting on these ideas.

A List of Things I'd Like to Do (in no particular order)
1. Learn ASL
2. Read a ton of books.
3. Get closer to God
4. Get closer to my friends
5. Be crafty
6. Sing a solo
7. Open a after-school center
8. Get married (eh maybe)
9. Be an amazing teacher
10. Write a book
11. Own rocking chairs
12. Travel to London again
13. ....It could keep going.

How am I supposed to know where to start first?

Those are my current musings. For now I'm just finishing these last two days here, completing the exit portfolio, and watching Netflix.

-Granny Eyre

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