Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter is always such a joyful time for me because it is a reminder that Jesus is alive. It's also a reminder that I am alive in Christ as well. You should hit play on the song I'm linking here and listen to it while you read the rest of this post.

Saturday was the Easter egg hunt for church. After a lovely bicycle ride to campus, I arrived at Brushy Forks at noon to help set up and hide the two thousand eggs we had. That's right, two thousand eggs! It was a beautiful day to have an egg hunt. The sky was full of interesting clouds and the sun was shining.

The hunt was divided by age groups and because of low turnout most kids left with a booty of treasure. I feel sorry for their parents.

In addition hunting eggs, our associate pastor told the Easter story using eggs that had little tokens that represented parts of the Easter story.

Hiding the eggs was particularly fun because there were so many to hide. Although most of the eggs were just tossed in the grass because the places to really hide them were limited, I did get some laughs watching the three-year-old hiding eggs. He was a big helper.

While most of his egg hiding probably looked like this picture,...

...he also chose to bury some eggs. In fact, we had to go back later and unbury them because kids were not thinking to look in the ground for eggs.

I got a bit sunburned, but all together the day was enjoyable. 

N.B. This picture was taken two days after the burn so some of the red has dissipated. No worries, though, I have pulled my sunscreen out and put it in a visible location so I remember to wear it from now on.

I hope your Easter weekends were fun, safe, and focused on Christ.



Here's a picture I dug up of this kid helping set up for last year's egg hunt.

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