Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Trains of Thought

*Following my train of thought.*

My time at my current position is drawing to a close in a few short months, which means I have started the search for the next step. Doubt and fear cloud my mind as I begin searching the web for teaching positions. There's also some excitement too that sometimes overshadows the doubt and fear. I've begun making lists of what I know about my educational philosophy and writing out my classroom management plans. Both of these are in an effort to remind myself that I do have a clue about teaching and that I am qualified to apply for these jobs. I think these are normal fears to have about being rejected or failing. It's how I react to these fears that matters. I refuse to sit back and let fear keep me from applying. I am going to be bold and apply. Even if I'm rejected, I'll keep striving toward my goal of being a teacher. I know that my heart is in educating and mentoring youth.

In other news, I've recently gotten my bicycle out and done some repairs. Winnie, that's her name, got new tires and had some of her gearwork repaired. We've been taking trips to work about twice a week for the past two weeks. I could probably do more but tight schedules and rain predictions keep me driving my car on some days. I do enjoy riding my bicycle to and from work. Sometimes I wonder why I'm torturing myself when I'm riding up the hill on the way to work, but it's always worth the ride up when I get to fly down the hill that evening. It's exhilarating! Anyone want to go for a ride?


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