Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Hey y'all!

I have officially made my first post onto my new, personal blog. I struggled to come up with a catchy title, but for now it's Ky Bluegrass Belle. I've thought about playing around with the name a little bit more because there seem to be quite a few Bluegrass Belle's out there and I'd like to be a little bit more original. What do you all think? I may change it before you all can even check it out..I'm working on it.

Although it would have been simpler to stick with Blogger, I decided to see what WordPress was like. I already enjoy the variety of layouts better than on Blogger. I hope to keep both blogs updated, perhaps sometimes posting the same information on both, but I would like to make a distinction between the two blogs in some way. It's all a work in progress still, as you can tell.

I am excited about having a new blog though. And I just wanted to make you all aware. I am enjoying my spring break so far...wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I'll update y'all about what I get into later!

The Farmer's Daughter

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