Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Monday, August 11, 2014

White Wedding

As you know, my best friend growing up got married this past weekend. I thought it might be fun to share some of the photos and stories with you from the big day. 
My beau & I waiting as they took pictures after the ceremony
It was an elaborate and beautiful wedding and a very fun reception. It did rain on us at the reception, which stunk, but luckily they got a tent which kept everyone dry! The tent was also really nicely decorated. Luckily my beau took lots of pictures on his phone that I can share with you. 
The get-away car

As a few of you know I was very worried about my hair for the wedding day. I'm not very skilled with updo's and it wasn't going to work out for the other bridesmaids to help me fix it (long story...). So the beau's sister ended up helping me out; she was able to ask the hair dresser she goes to, to do my hair. I was very lucky because she came in special for me, and in the early morning too. I was very thankful and she did an awesome job! I was so happy with how she did it! I don't normally prefer my hair up, but I thought this style looked really nice. I found inspiration for this hairdo on Pinterest of course.

The reception included lots of yummy food, sweets, cakes, and icecream. They also had a photobooth (those are always a hit with me!) and normal wedding reception activities. The bride was very beautiful and I hope she and the groom will have a very happy honeymoon! I can't wait to hear how their cruise goes! 
Yum! Some of the sweets they had in addition to cake!
I thought Granny Eyre might especially appreciate this cake on the right
Two happy couples!
What a weekend it was...it really was a whirlwind!
The Farmer's Daughter

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gatsby is a terribly sad book about terribly sad people