Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Lesson From God: Tomato Plants

"Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." Matthew 9:37
It is very interesting, at least to me, the way God works and speaks. This past Sunday during the morning service the preacher was preaching on visions Christ followers and even non believers should keep their eyes on. The verse quoted above was not the main focal verse of the sermon, that was somewhere in proverbs but I don't remember where exactly. The preacher as far as I can remember just randomly brought this verse up out of the blue to talk about a random point he was trying to get the people gathered to understand. This verse stuck with me though, and I have been pondering on it ever since.  
As some of you know I planted about ten cherry tomato plants this summer; you may even recall Granny Eyer's blog post where she posted a picture or two of my plants. Immediately after Brother Kenny said, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." my brain started thinking about my poor tomato plants. I have not been the best worker toward them, the grass around the plants is as tall as the plants themselves and the only water they've gotten is from the sporadic rain we have got in this part of the state. Needless to say you can definitely see the fruits of my labor and unfortunately it's not much at all. 
My brain then began to think about what Jesus said. In my mind apart from referring to a harvest of food or drink of any sorts, Jesus could have also been referring to the non God believing people of the world as the "harvest", and the God following people as the workers. My tomato plants are like the non believers and I am one worker. As a follower of Jesus, I should be going out and tending to non believers sharing with them the good news of Jesus and how He died to save everyone. If I neglect the non believers like I did my tomato plants this summer, I am not doing what is right. I cannot walk around in life expecting some else to tend for people God has placed in my life or even trick myself into thinking they will be okay all on their own, just like my tomato plants and then realizing too late that they shriveled up and died without much of a chance. I have to be one of the few. I will go out into the world and tell people about a wonderful savior named Jesus who loves them more than anyone else ever could. 
I decided to steal a picture from Granny Eyre as a tribute to my tomato plants. Mind you this picture was taken in early July, my plant and the grass around them have gotten much bigger.

Well it is now almost 1 in the a m so I should probably go to bed. Goodnight and peace until next time.
Captain Something Fun

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