Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Being a Socialite

Goodness, I can hardly believe it has already been a week since I last posted. Time really does zip away when you're having fun! The past week has been full of socializing, something I'm sure the infamous icon my pseudonym refers to is an absolute expert at.

On Saturday, Miss Ellaneous, her BF, The Hubs and I made the trek to Holiday World to meet my family, a neighborhood friend, and a friend of my sister's for the annual company celebration my momma's work hosts. LOTS of visiting that day! Sadly, Holiday World wasn't nearly as much fun as I remember it being during my childhood. There seemed to be fewer exciting rides and ridiculously long lines that didn't seem worth the wait. Everywhere in the park seemed to be cram packed. Maybe I'll go back sometime when less folks are there and have a better experience. The best part of the whole deal was getting to hang out with my peeps, a few of the individuals I care a heck of a lot about.

Carp (for anonymity's sake) came to visit The Hubs and I Sunday afternoon. We met at a locally owned pizza shop, Apollo Pizza. It was the first time visiting for all of us. We had a wonderful first visit! They have lots of awesome topping choices and offer a honey wheat crust. You know I went for the honey wheat and gracious me was it delicious! Definitely recommend this place on a relaxing afternoon when you have time to truly enjoy chatting over a meal. Their service was a little slow and we had read other reviews making the same comments. But, the atmosphere is almost as delightful as the cuisine--a slow paced feel.

Anyhow, afterwards we watched Divergent (an excellent film that I highly recommend!) and chatted for a bit. His visit was thoroughly enjoyed. Hopefully next time he'll have his main squeeze with him!

Yesterday, The MIL came for a visit! Her and I got to chat for a while until The Hubs got off work which allowed for some catching up. Then, we headed to Lexington for dinner. She decided she wanted to eat at Coba Cucina after hearing about our experience from The Hubs. Yet again, it was yummy! Afterwards, we walked around downtown and got some caffeine from Common Grounds before heading home. (Additional tidbit: The MIL talked me into helping her play Candy Saga Crush--what an aggravating game!) We had a wonderful visit with her as well!

Lastly, today I am going to visit some of the wonderful contributors to this blog while we have a "book club" discussion of A Parchment of Leaves by Silas House at North Lime Coffee and Donuts. I am ecstatic! Three wonderful things all wrapped into one afternoon: a great book, delectable food, and exquisite friends. You'd think I was a butterfly trying to work my wings... a social butterfly that is.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dude have you read Divergent? I highly recommend the book, very good series!