Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Callie Sue

Between November 2013-April 2014, we lost all three of our pet dogs to old age. I loved all of my dogs, but was extremely close to Roxanne, who passed away in April. Ever since then, I have missed the companionship of having a dog around the house. I have begged almost constantly for my parents to let me have a dog. Finally, it worked.

On Monday, I saw a picture online of an adorable puppy that a couple had found on the side of the road. They were unable to find anyone to claim her, so they wanted to give her away. I forwarded the picture to my dad, who said that I could get her as long I kept in mind that she would be my responsibility. I know you're probably thinking, "Why does she have to ask her parents if she can have a dog? She's 22 years old, shouldn't she be able to make her own decisions?!" Well, that would be true if I wasn't still living in my parent's house. In their home, what they say, goes...even though I didn't get my mom's permission & brought the dog home when she was out of town, but that's a different story!

Meet Callie: 

Since Callie was found on the side of the road, I do not know how old she is or what breed of dog she is. However, I have done some research and I think she may be a Doxle, which is a cross between a dachshund and a beagle.I think that she physically looks like a large dachshund, and she barks like a beagle. An estimate on her age would be a couple months old. I'm no expert, but she still has her baby teeth and is definitely a puppy. Hopefully, I will know more after I take her to the vet for her check-up.

Callie's name started out as kind of a joke. When my parent's were trying to decide a name for my sister, they thought about calling her "Callie Sue," a combination of their names, Calvin & Susan. However, they decided to name my sister, Haley Marie instead. When I was trying to pick out a name for my puppy, an old friend on Facebook remembered the story and said that I should name her Callie Sue. The puppy responds to the name, and I think it matches her personality, so it stuck. I was thinking about changing her middle name to "Anne" or something similar, but I haven't decided yet. 

Facts about Callie: 
1. She has a great nose. She smelled a chicken in the yard before she ever saw it. 
2. She is not afraid to walk in the tall grass, which, according to my dad, is unusual for puppies and could mean that she has the potential to be a good hunting dog. 
3. She learned how to sit on her first day at her new home (she's smart).
4. She gets extremely excited about the sight (and smell) of a dead fish! Gross!
5. She buries everything! Pizza crust, puppy treats, dead fish, you name it! 
6. She loves to get in the pond and splash in the water and mud, but doesn't like to take a bath afterwards. 
7. She barely complains when you put her in her crate. Tonight, she even went in there to lay down before I even thought about making her go to bed. 
8. She isn't like most puppies I have seen that want to stay right under your heels the entire time. Instead, Callie would rather go off and explore, which is a blessing and a curse. It's nice not to trip over her or have to entertain her all the time, but I am afraid that she will wonder off and get lost, which is probably what happened when that couple found her wondering the road, since she doesn't appear to have been mistreated. 

Tonight, I made her a rope toy out of some old FAFSA t-shirts. I'm thinking about making a few extra to donate to the local animal shelter. Below, is a picture of the toy that I made, and a link to the instructions that I followed to make it:

I'll stop for now, before everyone gets tired of hearing me talk about puppies....like anyone could ever get tired of puppies, right?! 

Until next time, 

-Miss Ellaneous

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