Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Friday, August 8, 2014

A week without children

I feel kind of lame seeing everyone else post pictures of their cool adventure and I never have anything to share. Perks of strict confidentiality rules I guess. This week as been very different from what I am use to and today was a first. I worked my first ten hour long shift, and am I beat from it. This week was called "In Service" I've heard that term before going to public school I knew it meant something along the lines of teachers having to be at school but students weren't there. My eyes were opened to a different world this week. I got to see the behind the scenes workings of what preschool teachers have to go through to be prepared for an upcoming school year. It's not just a relaxing week of laziness like I thought when I was younger. Teachers have lot of manual work and mental work to do to get ready for the new set of children to arrive. I did enjoy the week, I got to bond with my teachers on a different level and it was beneficial to those work relationships. I also learned this week that Goo Gone is some magical stuff! I scrubbed so many cabinets and cubbies looking brand new now. I am excited for the children to come ready to learn and play! I sure have missed them a whole whole lot this week. And some of my littler friends are coming back from their summer breaks so that will be super exciting to see how much they have grown and developed since I last saw them in May.
In different news this week also brought a little spontaneity out in me. I was reading the newspaper yesterday when the farmers daughter text me asking if I wanted to go hiking. her and her man friend were going to the pinnacle and being the nice friend that she is invited me and misc ellaneous along. It was a very enjoyable evening hike with good company, even though there was a missing person somewhere on the trail. Also we had dinner together before the hike that was scrumptious even though the restaurant of choice did not have fish and chips or bacon for a BLT. All and all I would have to say this has been a good week. Next week I am hoping for more interesting stories to tell you all but until then you can deal with this piece of awesome.
Captain Something Fun
signing off 

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