Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Monday, August 11, 2014

Natural Beauty.

I'm finally in Richmond but I wanted to update you about all of my adventures (the Farmer's Daughter would oppose to my liberal use of this word) last week. My mom went back to school, which left me home alone most of the day. Since I had already cleaned and organized most of my stuff the week before I knew I didn't need to start really packing until Saturday (er, yesterday). So I had lots of time to sit around and do whatever. I did read a six hundred page novel (East of Eden by John Steinbeck which I highly recommend) and parts of some Christian non-fiction books I have started but I couldn't stand to sit around and read all day. I spent some time peeling wallpaper but that got frustrating. Towards the middle of the week, I decided to do some beautification processes since I was home alone and bored.

I need to preface this week by saying that I have not shampooed by hair in a week now. Now before you start saying eeww! let me explain. Last week (these weeks are starting to get mixed up. This was in week one of my vacation) I decided that I really wanted to try an egg wash on my hair. I'd heard about them but I'd never gotten around to doing it. My mom wasn't home to question my idea so I pulled out my smartphone and Googled (the fact that that is a verb amazes me) homemade egg washes to ensure that I was doing it correctly. I found this interesting blog about this lady who hasn't used shampoo in a year and still has clean healthy hair. I was like, hey this sounds interesting. I tried her favored method of using an egg yolk with warm shower water. I also used lemon juice mixed with warm shower water as a conditioner. I was amazed when my hair dried that it was clean! Since eggs are more expensive and require refrigeration, I wanted to test some other theories. She also mentioned using baking soda mixed with water as a shampoo. Okay, that's inexpensive and can be transported much easier than eggs. So for my next shower I tried this method. It also worked. I'm not sure how long I'll keep this process going but so far I'm still pleased. My hair is clean, albeit missing the nice shampoo smell. I switch between processes but mainly I've used the baking soda since it's easily accessible. I still occasionally use my leave in conditioner on the tips of my hair to help the fact that my hair tangles and breaks so easily.

After this success with homemade cleaners, I wanted to try some homemade face masks. This past week was the perfect time to do it since my mom was gone at school all day. I'm fairly self-conscience about these things when she's around since she doesn't do any of these processes (it's an irrational fear I know). Once again I googled some ideas. I found some that required ingredients we did not have but I finally found one that seemed promising. It called for unsweetened plain yogurt and lemon juice and was supposed help even skin tone and fade acne blemishes (yes!). We only had vanilla yogurt on hand but I figured it was worth a shot. I added some honey and a bit of oatmeal to the mixture for kicks and giggles since those were common face mask ingredients. The oats were a bad idea because they made the mixture lumpy instead of smooth so ended up picking the booger like objects off of my face. I was supposed to leave the mixture on my face for 20 minutes. At first it smelled funny but after a bit it hardened and I forgot it was there. Maybe it's in my mind but for a day or so afterward I did feel like my skin tone was more even.

Now for the required selfies since we all love selfies:
With the cold smelly stuff on my face. Since it's just yogurt and lemon juice it doesn't produce that cool face mask look like they show in movies.

Post natural beautification process.

Are you taking a picture of me???

You better not take a picture of me or I will haunt your dreams!

What's this little block with a screen and buttons..and oh it made a clicky sound!

Oh, I have a nose!

I was going more for an awkward angle but I decided to keep the awkward angle when I saw how humorous it looks with the toilet down below. I look like I might hurl.

That's all the beauty processes for now. Since it's late and I need to get on some sort of regular sleeping schedule I should go to sleep and get some beauty sleep (ha see what I did there?!).

Granny Eyre (who is trying new things in her old age)

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