Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Monday, February 16, 2015

Snow angel?

Hey y'all! Since The Farmer's Daughter prompted us to make a post on our snow day, I thought I would write something right quick. Even on this snow day, I've been trying to keep myself busy catching up on school work. Neuroanatomy and kinesiology are wearing me out this semester. It's soo much material. My brain hurts every time I leave class. I believe a snow angel was sent to relieve me and all the other MSOT students of our anxiety over the exam. It's a nice thought anyway.

Anywho... all I've really done lately is go to school and go to work. This past Friday, Lucas and I went to Lexington and got a Costco membership which was very exciting. After doing a lot of research, I figured it would be a good fit for us. We use the same staples over and over again. By buying them in bulk, we won't have to be at the store as often (hopefully!) and we'll be getting a better price too. It's a plus that they carry lots of USDA organic items.

Besides studying today, I went outside for maybe fifteen minutes--long enough to look around and get some snow for snow cream--and have watched two episodes of Criminal Minds. Honestly, I'll be happy when we get all the way through the episodes because I've spent a lot of time watching them over the past two months and I don't like that. The episodes draw me in and I can't help myself.

The only other exciting thing I know to tell is that the hubs and I are probably going to Washington D.C. over spring break. They're having an Android gathering there on April 4th that Lucas had planned to attend and when we realized my spring break matched up, we decided to make a small trip of it. He's never been to D.C. so I plan to show him the ropes! Do y'all have any spring break plans?

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday,

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