Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Our Friendcation and Whole30

Just got back from friendcation with Hubs, Carp, and Syd. It was a blast and just what I needed travelwise. When it's just Lucas and I traveling, I tend to be anxious and stressed. You're thinking, 'What the heck? It's vacation for crying out loud.' Well, I typically have itineraries made up with backup plans. Type A much? This vacation I tried super hard to convince everyone to do it again and they kept putting it off. Honestly, I was a bit annoyed that they didn't want to have a plan for vacation. How could we possibly see anything without a plan? What if we could purchase tickets in advance and get a discount? Going without a plan and seeing how chill everyone but me was about it and having an even better time than usual is the best thing that could have happened to me. No, we didn't see every single thing we wanted to but we had a relaxing time seeing the things that we did. For the first time in what feels like forever, I felt restored when I got home. 

My favorite thing? Folly Beach. Everyone smiles when they're at the beach. The breeze was wonderful considering it was 90 and humid the majority of the days. I jumped waves, ate salt cookies (aka got a mouthful of ocean water), laid out, hunted for shells, and walked the pier. Folly is a small community. There aren't highrise hotels or corporate department stores. Most every shop is Mom and Pop style which you know I love.

What I wished I could've done but didn't? Thrift shop. We passed several great thrift stores that I would have loved to look through. Many Charlestonians have big money making my chances of finding a few gems a lot better. Next time, for sure.

I'll try to put some photos somewhere in the internet world soon.

Lucas and I determined before we left that we were going to do Whole30 when we got back. Both of us ate junk and lots of it during June and during friendcation. We were both getting bogged down by our bad food choices. I had heard a few people talk about Whole30 and liked the idea. I'm not into fad diets. However, a detox is right up my alley. I've only done one. It was about a month before getting married and it went really well. It was only 7 days. I lost a few pounds but I didn't feel much better afterwards because it was restrictive to the extreme. Only very specific items can be eaten each day. This detox encourages eating meat, seafood, fruits, veggies, nuts, and oils. It discourages dairy products, any added sweeteners, MSGs, carrageenan, and any form of grain including corn. We're on day two and so far, so good. I've eaten a lot more protein than I normally which (I never get enough). I normally quite a bit of carb-loaded foods so I've increased my fruit and veggie intake a lot too. I'm excited to see how I feel at the end of the 30 days. If nothing else, it will definitely make me more aware of how frequently I consume nutritionless calories and how infrequently I eat an adequate amount of fruit and veggies.

Oh yea. Did I mention that you can't have gum or mints because of the added sweeteners? Out of all the no-nos, this one made me weep the most. I'm always reaching for one or the other. On the bright side, you can have coffee and tea with no dairy or sweetener, which will be a lifesaver for me. Have you ever done a detox? Did you like it?

Hope all is well.

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