Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas is coming!

It seems that every time the TwentySomethings get together, we fail to make a blog post, probably assuming that someone else will make it. This time I shall!! Let the world (well the one other person besides ourselves that actually read this blog...I hope there's one other person) know that we do all still hang out together.

We had our third annual Christmas get-together at Martha S.'s house since she's the only one currently who has a house that isn't also shared by her parents or owned by the college. As always she had the place decorated all cute and Chrismas-y. The plan was to eat snacks, exchange gifts, decorate cookies, and just hang out. All of those things happened. We stuffed our faces too much, received more presents than we deserved, made beautiful cookies, and enjoyed each other's company.

Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment. Martha S. holds our group picture and The Farmer's Daughter has some better pictures, so I'm expecting some follow-up posts to this.

The collection of Ugly Christmas Sweater Cookies.

The group

My ugly Chrismas Sweater Cookies

Preparations to decorate.

Martha S. is starting a new trend with empty picture frames. She's famous, you know, so you better pay attention and follow suit if you want to be in style for home decorating.

The feast! We always say we're gonna have less food.

These adorable reindeer made by Martha S.

The tree and presents.

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