Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Thursday, December 31, 2015

So long, farewell 2015

Wow this photo challenge is ending and I'm thinking where in the world did this year go? There are so many moments that have made this year and I am so thankful for each of them in there own ways. Before I get ahead of myself I should catch up on a couple days that I missed. A scarf and me! I decided to combine the two so here you go. Also for this particular picture I am adding a wonderful song that kept running through my head as I prepared myself to take this selfie. Do you want to take a selfie?!

And now for the final day, reflecting. I may or may not have gotten this idea from Granny Eyre but I have made a collage of different photo highlights of this past year. At the beginning of this year there was snowman made, a couple of snow days (which had never happened at college before), a trip to sonic in March, a beautiful remembrance of Jesus Christ risen from death on the cross. In May probably the biggest accomplishment of my life thus far, graduating with Bachelors degree. An exciting camping trip and fourth of July celebration. Just a "few" card games with friends happening all throughout. Rallying around a dear sweet lady and visiting Alabama come next. To end the year there was a white elephant gift exchange with fellow bcm'ers and a very important time of  reflecting the birth of the Savior of the World. I hope there are many more moments of joy, friendship, laughter, hope, and love in this new year.

Finishing up the Challenge and the Year

Day 29:

I had to wait until I had a photographer to get the full effect of this picture. Here is my newest blanket scarf.

Ha! It's actually an afghan that my Grady gave me for Christmas. I really like it. The colors are gorgeous and it keeps me warm and cozy in my chair.

Day 30:

I thought about combining these posts since I just posted a photo of myself, but then I realized there's another aspect of my life I wanted to share. I brought all my friends books back from my mom's house which meant I had to buy a bookshelf. After perusing all of the discount stores in Richmond, I settled for a Walmart shelf because it would fit into my car and my budget. So here I am contemplatively looking at my books. Fair warning, I have more books in my apartment than this. I was an English major.

Day 31:

How is it already the last day of the year?! And this challenge is almost finished. We all did pretty well. I'm proud that we all made it through the challenge (I'm giving the benefit of the doubt that you will all finish). The challenge actually says to reflect on 2013, so I did. It was fun to look back at what was only two years ago.

In 2013, Martha S. got married to Marvel's Dad (well it was before Marvel, the dog was in the picture, but it's a good psuedonym for her husband). Unfortunately Captain couldn't be at this event because she had just gotten a new job. I'm sure the picture would have been more fun with her help as well. Wasn't it cool that I happened to wear Martha's other wedding color to go well with the two bridesmaids (Miss Ellaneous and Farmer's Daughter). It was such a nice wedding. Of course I only had one real-life wedding and movie weddings to compare it to.

I also spent the summer of 2013 in England. This photo is from a trip to Dublin that some of took one weekend. It was jam-packed and included a crazy chance meeting with one of the travel buddies old elementary school friend who had moved to Ireland. In this picture we had just decided to use our bus passes to ride until we felt like getting off. We ended up in a park.

Now for a picture of 2015 to really reflect.

In January, I was housesitting and there was a kitty. In February, I hosted an Un-birthday party which turned into a sleepover. In March, I walked to Sonic. In April, I moved to Union City. In May, I met a sloth. In June, I moved into my own apartment. In July, I learned to be a super VISTA. In August, I and some other lovely ladies welcomed the freshmen. In September, we went to First Friday and had Ale8. In October, I hiked the Pinnacle on Mountain Day with my co-workers and Gunner. In November, the freshmen bonners gave me cookies and nice words. In December, I saw a friend graduate; it seems that all of my friends are slowly graduating college.

Well that's all for this year. Until next year.


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day 30

It's hard to believe but December is almost over and so is this December photo challenge! Today, the second to last day, the prompt was "You". It's fairly easy to take a photo of myself although I don't really do it very often. I was taking a walk this morning and got a photo of myself and Nova. Isn't she cute?
                                                                                                           -The Farmer's Daughter 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Day 29: Scarf

If anyone knows me well, they probably know I have a large collection of scarves. In fact, I ordered another blanket scarf recently and just got it in the mail today. I was pretty excited but it wasn't quite cool enough outside to wear it today. But I did wear this light brown scarf today and took a selfie..
                                                                                                                           -The Farmer's Daughter

Days 28: A Beautiful Sight

Day 28: Seeing my pup happy is a beautiful sight. Marv was superduper excited about his squeaky. When this video was taken, he had already been playing with it for five minutes.

As for Day 29, that photo will have to wait. The weather hasn't been cool enough to wear a scarf. It should be cool enough by this weekend.

Until next time,

Day 28: A Beautiful Sight

This evening I had just gotten home from visiting Granny Eyre and her family and I began thinking about what beautiful sight I would take a picture of today, because in my mind there are many beautiful sights in any given day. I ate dinner and took a shower, then I decided I would watch TV. It just so happened that one of my favorite movies was on. So I took some pictures and collaged them together.

I only caught the last hour of the movie including commercial breaks so for those of you still wondering what the movie is, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 is the one. I think the HP movies are portrayals of beautiful stories made into beautiful sight.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Day 28: A beautiful sight

So many beautiful sights surround us everyday without us realizing it. The other day, taking a walk I snapped a quick photo of this nice view. I forget it often myself, so here's a reminder for all of us: Don't forget to stop and smell the roses..or in this case, stop and enjoy the lovely scenery.
                                                                                                                           -The Farmer's Daughter

Dat 28: A Beautiful Literary Sight

I love books and I adore libraries. So when I found a little free library today in my Grandy's town, I was ecstatic. It's just a little box in a small park. The premise is that you put one in and take one out.

It's a beautiful sight for sure.

Day 26: Favorite Quote

There it is again, that word favorite. That's difficult, but one person who spoke many wise words and did many great things was Mother Teresa of Calcutta. So I'll share two powerful quotes from her.

                                   -The Farmer's Daughter 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Day 27:Snow

Let it snow let it snow let it snow... Just kidding it's been in the 60's the past few days. So there is not even a chance of snow here. I decided that story characters count as snow too. My picture is of President Snow from the book/movie series The Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favor as you go through the day.

Days 25, 26, & 27: My Christmas Day, Favorite Quote, and Snow

Day 25: This is the best picture I have of my Christmas Day right now. My uncle and dad took most of the pictures and I have yet to get access to either set.

Day 26: I don't reckon I have a favorite quote. I have quotes that I enjoy reflecting on during different situations. This happens to be on that I look to for motivation.

Day 27: Snow... bahaha; there is none to take a photo of. Maybe another day?

Day 27: snow

There is no snow in Kentucky and I doubt there is snow anywhere in the U.S. (I could be wrong though). For the picture today, I had to resort to a snow globe. My Grandy got this for Christmas.

Day 25 and 26: There is still some time

Here I am late again. After getting on to all of my fellow twenty somethings about posting and I missed a day. I suppose that's what I deserve. Any how I'm making the post for two days now.
The picture for my Christmas Day is not too exciting just a picture of my view while driving to visit Granny Eyre and her family for a couple of days.
For day 26 we are supposed to show our favorite quote or bible verse. For this I chose a quote from my favorite non profit organization founder. For those of you who don't know, my favorite non profit organization is To Write Love On Her Arms and the founder is Jamie Tworkowski. This is a screenshot of the quote post in its entirety.
I have had this exact quote poster hanging up on my wall. This post quote has inspired me to keep going even when I feel like giving up and giving in. Some points that stick out the most to me are....
"This life – it’s not a contest, not a race, not a performance, not a thing that you win. 
You are here for more than grades, more than a job, more than a promotion, more than keeping up, more than getting by. 
You do not have to fake it. There is still some time for love to find you. It’s not too late. You’re not alone. It’s okay – whatever you need and however long it takes – it’s okay."

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 26: a quote

Picking a favorite quote would be difficult. The same goes for a Bible verse. I'm going to go with a quote I've read recently and enjoyed.

It came from a journal Captain gave me for Christmas. I'm using it as a gratitude journal. Every day I write a letter to God thanking him for all of things he's given me that day.

The quote is:
"Oh, if we did but love others! How easily the least thing, the shutting of a door gently, the walking softly...or the choice of a seat, so as to leave the most convenient to others, might become occasions of its exercise." -Mére Angélique Arnauld

This quote came at a time when I was getting easily annoyed. It gave me a moment to reflect. I don't try to write about the quotes, but I appreciate when they apply.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Days 22, 23 & 25

22 & 23: I cheated a bit on this. My mother and I did some last minute Christmas shopping on the 22nd and I had intended to make cookies but by the end of the day I was worn out and didn't get a chance to make them until the morning of the 22nd. So making cookies was my fun too on the 23rd! I think they turned out pretty cute, they made a nice wreath and they're pretty tasty; if I were to do it over I'd put some icing on them.

24: My view so far today is a lovely Christmas tree and my immediate family. Unfortunately my sister in law and niece are sick, so my biggest brother and his little family won't be able to make it up for Christmas but it should be a happy day anyway.

I hope you're all having a Merry Christmas!!

Day 24 and 25

I was so busy enjoying my family that I forgot to make a post yesterday. We opened presents in the morning because we do what my Grandy wants. Then we ate and played games the rest of the day. These kind of days are truly relaxing.

Because we opened all of our presents yesterday, my view for Christmas is a Christmas tree with no presents, but I'm thankful for the time with family.

Merry Christmas! 

Day 24: Family

I'm skipping around just a bit but I'll share a photo of the blessed family tonight since it is Christmas Eve and all. I just got home from "Midnight Mass", actually 10 o' clock mass at my church. I snapped this photo quickly while driving out so it isn't the best but I thought it was appropriate for today.

How sweet to think of the little baby Jesus coming from heaven to Earth, and being born in a lowly manger, for all of us.

Merry Christmas Y'all!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Day 24: Family

Since today is the eve of Christmas and things are hectic for some I'll be brief today. Being adopted changes the way one might define family, at least it has for me. Family to me is thicker than blood relations. Family is a lot of things and everyone has their own way of defining it. So without further ado, my family pictures. One is of my church family who has taken me in and treated me like one of them. Another photo is of me and my fellow twenty somethings who have been there for me through thick and thin, and so much more. The third picture is of what most people would define as part of my "real" family. It is my younger sister and I. My sister has always been with me. Not always in the flesh but in heart and mind.

So much for being brief huh?

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Day 23: Something Fun

My name is Captain Something Fun so you might think that today's photo would be easy as pie for me but you would be wrong. This was more difficult than even I anticipated. However after much deliberation, in my mind, I have come up with two pictures. One is of my bed. The reason being is I think naps are super fun and you take naps in bed usually. The other picture is of a really good book, The Tales of Beedle the Bard written by J. K. Rowling. The reason being is because I find reading fun.

Some runner up pictures and ideas for this post included Merriam Webster's definition of fun and Spongebob's song about what fun is. Maybe in some other post they will make appearances but not today.

Charlie has made a special guest appearance in today's post because he is my napping buddy. Look at his cuteness.

Day 22 & 23: Cookies and Fun

On my dad's side of the family, there is a Christmas tradition that brings joy and jealousy to all the "Kentucky cousins". One of their cousins has resided in Indiana for years. Every year, she chooses one cousin to send a batch of cookies to. This year, my dad was the lucky lad! Boy were those cookies good! Turns out, the cousin must have been feeling extra generous this year because three cousins received cookie packages. Glad Dad got in on the goodies either way.

Last Friday, the hubs, the sis, and I went to the Southern Lights Holiday Festival in Lexington. I was really impressed with the price point and all that the event had to offer. It was $15 for a carload on a Thursday night. The lights are cute and pretty lengthy. Then, after the lights, there is a little museum, a model train show (shown in video above), a petting zoo, beverages, crafts for sale, and you can visit Santa! You all should check it out sometime if you haven't been. It is going on through December 31st.

Day 23: tea is fun

Today my mom, little brother, and I opened presents at my mom's house. We are going to my Grandy's and she didn't want to take all the presents there. Marcus gave me this really fun teapot and tea. It blooms like a flower. This particular kind was called Happy Marigold. It's a green tea with marigold and lily. It doesn't have a very strong flavor, but it was fun to watch.

This is in reverse order, so scroll up to watch it bloom.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Day 22: Snowman Cookies

I decided this morning that I wanted cookies of the warm soft yummy variety. So I made some and took a couple of pictures. And of course I ate a few.