Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Two in one

Hello friends sorry for being off the radar the past few days. It's been a kind of strange week. So I've made am executive decision, I will only be catching up on yesterday's photo and today's because it would be way too many of an overload to try and get all the ones I've missed. Okay now to the actually pictures, for the 13th day of the challenge we are supposed to show a TV show we are addicted to. Problem for me is I couldn't just pick one, instead I have narrowed it down to three.
Number 1 is a new current addiction saying as the show only came out a month ago. The show is called Strong. It is a real life type show that follows ten regular women who get selected to participate in a program called Strong. Strong is a fitness show that has the women paired up with one male trainer. The trainers all vary in the type of fitness they focus on and do best with. So it's kinda cool to see the different training styles. Throughout each week there are a couple challenges each team partakes in against all the other teams. The losing team of the challenge automatically gets sent to the elimination tower and the winning team gets to decide which team will go against the losing team in the tower. So every week one team gets sent home. Unfortunately the team I was rooting for to win just got sent home last week. But there are still five teams remaining it will be interesting to see who wins.

Number 2 is another newish show called Limitless. Season one just ended two weeks ago and I'm really hoping CBS picks it back up for another season. The premise of this show is that humans only use ten percent of their brain function. So the show is following a man named Brian Finch who gets recruited by the FBI to help solve cases. The cool thing though is Brian is able to take a pill called nzt. This pill helps Brian use the other 90 percent of his brain to see things in different ways that help the FBI solve these cases.

Brian Finch on the left with two FBI agents

Number 3 is Criminal Minds. I got into this show my senior year of highschool when I was taking a geography class that my younger sister convinced me to take with her. Ever since then any time I get the chance I will watch this show. Sometimes however I make the mistake of watching it right before bedtime which causes me but to be able to sleep very well at all.To be very brief because I think most of you know at least a little about this show. The show follows a sector of the FBI called behavior analysis unit. The people on the team are able to use their unique knowledge and skill sets that enable them to see how serial killers, psychopaths, and just plain murders behave and think and then they are able to stop the killings.

Okay so now onto the 14th photo for the challenge, what I'm wearing. Since it is almost 1 o'clock in the morning I decided it would be more interesting to have a picture of what I wore today instead of what I'm currently wearing. To be honest though the clothing is very similar minus the blue jeans.

Well that's all for now. I'm going to try my darnedest to keep up with the daily picture post for the rest of the month. We shall see how that goes. Goodnight, Captain signing off.

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