Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Days 18, 19, 20...

Well, this is an odd combination of challenges for one post: Happiness, Unhappiness, & My Favorite Word

Happiness is really many different things for me. One thing that makes me happy is being home with my family, crafting and shopping with my Mom while I'm home, and going on walks in the lush, green country with the dogs.
I don't really like thinking about the negative so I don't have an unhappy photo. However, something that makes me unhappy is when children don't cooperate and choose not to do what you ask them to. I substituted last Wednesday and Thursday and, while I didn't have any classes that are too unruly, I did have a couple of students who didn't want to do what I asked them to.

Favorite Word: 
Like Miss Ellaneous, I've never really thought about my favorite word. When I considered this prompt I thought about words of things that I like, like chocolate, love, and nature. However, I decided on the word GRACE. I think it's a smooth sounding word with a powerful meaning.

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