Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Monday, May 2, 2016

Morning Ritual

Food. It plays such an integral role in our lives. A wedding, birthday, holiday, funeral, ... any occasion you can think of isn't complete without it. Without breakfast, my mornings wouldn't be the same. When I don't have a warm cup o' joe and some oats or toast or cereal or whatever I happen to sit down with that morning, a little bitty piece of my spirit dies.

I can skip the shower or fixing my hair. Skipping coffee and calories? Not an option. That's why the morning ritual I chose was feasting eating.

This morning's breakfast was a bit of a disappointment. Sorry you're not able to see it. You're not missing anything. I made my typical plain oats in the microwave. Then, added my recent favorites: honey and sliced banana. Today, however, the banana I used was not ripe enough. I ended up having to eat around it. Here's to hoping they get ripe before tomorrow.

Until then,

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