Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My New Roommate

    There are so many little things I would love to share with you all right now, but because I am only taking a short break in between studying for a BIG exam tomorrow, I'm only going to write a tidbit (how appropriate!) on here. The biggest news right now is about my new furry friend and roommate, Cleo.

      It's a trial run for both of us. I'm not used to having a cat indoors and she isn't used to living exclusively indoors but we've both enjoyed it so far. After two days she's getting more used to my apartment and she seems to be fairly happy. Seems like a crazy idea, but I've considered trying to train her to walk on a leash. We'll see about that. And if the situation doesn't seem like it's going to work out, I can always take her back to my parent's house and set her free again. But I'm crossing my fingers we both like having her in the apartment. She may have to visit home with me if I decide to go home for an extended period of time (a couple of weeks), although I already have an offer from a good cat-sitter. Cat...I mean Granny Eyre. The rest of the Twenty-Somethings all need to meet her! Plus, I need to have you all over anyway for a craft party or something.
     Not much in the way of new news besides that. My apartment is quickly filling up with plants. My Mom keeps sending me with new ones and I've got some outside on my porch that are pretty cute. I'll have to share some more plant photos with you all soon, or you can just visit me! :)

That's all for now, better get back to studying the brain (with my brain!)! Haha!
The Farmer's Daughter

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