Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Moving, Moving, Moving...Gotta Keep Myself Moving

Sing the title of this blog to the Walmart theme song, "Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, gotta keep those prices rolling."

I have moved, not far though. Now I am staying in a house just north of Richmond with a lady who works with the WMU. She is a music teacher at an elementary school, full of energy and very talkative. As of last night, I am staying in her upstairs bedroom, which also has a half bath. The house is much bigger than the last place at which I was. To put it in perspective, my upstairs is almost as big as that last house.

So far the stay has been eventful. That morning I had prayed that the rain would hold off until I had a chance to unload all of my stuff. Boy did that feel good! I've been loaded down for over a week now. The rain did hold off but about the time we finished eating dinner, the weather sirens went off. I thought I left those things in Berea. Tornadoes were spotted! The next two hours were spent either in the basement or watching the news upstairs. If I had been on my own, I might not have gone to a basement, but since I was with someone else, I followed suit. Wonder what that says about me?
It wasn't unpleasant though, besides the fact that the basement was cold and basement-y. We read the Bible together and looked at some of her stuff.

Other than moving, my life has been pretty much the same. My middle two groups of kids are whiny and sometimes unruly as usual, while my first and last group are fairly cooperative. I do need to figure out how to make writing paragraphs more entertaining. It's hard to make a paragraph into a game.

Check back soon for my thoughts on this conference I'm attending this weekend!

Granny Eyre.

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