Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Random Tidbits

Last weekend, my cousin came for a visit. She lives in Tennessee, so it isn't often that I get to see her. I took her over to my sister's house for a homemade spaghetti dinner and we spent hours catching up and ended the night with my sister giving us each a haircut. Even though she is over a decade older than me, we seem to have a lot in common to talk about. 

I have decided that I can get along with almost anyone. I was just thinking about it, and most of my friend groups are very different from one another, but I enjoy spending time with all of them. People are so different, but so alike at the same time...I don't know how to explain it. I love talking to people of various ages and backgrounds. I enjoy a conversation with a 1st grader just as much as I do a 75 year old. People are just cool!

This week, I have been riding a different bus in the morning than the one I usually ride. I have enjoyed this, because the route is quite a bit shorter, so I don't have to get up as early or stay out as late. I have been sleeping a lot more lately than I probably should, but I blame the cold weather. When it is gross outside, lounging on the couch in my pajamas is really the only thing I want to do. I have been wanting to do something crafty, but can't find the motivation to start a big project, so I bought a coloring book and colored a picture of a lobster instead! Haha...random, I know. I used to love coloring when I was younger and had no less than 30 coloring books. Although it may be a bit childish, coloring is great for relieving stress. When you are focused on staying inside the lines and which color the lobster's tail should be, it becomes easier to forget about what's bothering you. 

-Miss Ellaneous