Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Alright y'all. I know, I know. I have been on an about-to-run-out-of-gas, sputtering, burning oil struggle bus for a good while now when it comes to posting on the blog. Hopefully, that will change as the semester comes to a close (next Thursday!!!). I honestly feel like I don't have too many exciting things going on recently because I've just been working and schooling and cleaning and homeworking and Marveling all the time. All those things put together leave me with a limited amount of free time. Plus, I've been on the hunt for a job! Now, I've got one---woot, woot! I am going to be the personal assistant for an ophthalmologist in Lexington. It's the same ophthalmologist that Dan works for. She didn't even have me fill out an application or interview me because she had already heard about me from Dan. It was crazy. Thursday, Lucas and I are going to their house in Lexington for dinner and to talk more about the specifics of the job. I am excited but also a little nervous. It's a very personal initiative based position. She is going to give me a list of to dos on Monday and I have to have them done by the end of the week. The perk being that I can work on my own time. Anywho, enough about that.

Since I know all of you love sweets about as much or more than I do, I wanted to encourage to try this outrageously delicious snack I discovered recently. If you've already had it, tell me what you thought about it.

Every time I eat it...

Yes, it's that yummy. It just tastes like a crunchy brownie (and it isn't nearly as unhealthy as a brownie! yet, it satisfies the craving). Sheila G. is my girl.

Also, not sure if you read blogs but I truly love this blog written by a [probably] twentysomething about her life as a blogger, gardener, chef, and used-to-be graphic designer. She also recently had a baby and writes a bit about that. Anyways, her blog is always uplifting and inspiring to me because she is so real and open. Maybe you'll enjoy it too.

I guess I better get back to studying. Presentation tomorrow. Exam Thursday. Other little assignments in between. Then, four finals next week. I'm trying to stay motivated to keep my head in the books. Excited to celebrate my Freedom next Friday.

Until then, I'm wishing you all the best!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I loved reading this..it made me laugh out loud with your GIFs (isn't that what they are called?) Also, I have thought about buying that Brownie Brittle but it always looked like it might be a bust, I will definitely try some now! And...congrats on your new job!