Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Friday, May 1, 2015


As graduation is slowing creeping up and real life is starting to hit I am hit with a sudden wave of goodbyes. I dislike goodbyes though, they seem too permanent. I like to think of a better way to depart from a person would be to say see you later alligator, after while crocodile. You know like children do. This way it leaves things open to possibilities and potential. Today I had to say goodbye to the CDL. I almost cried which is very unusual for me. I am sure going to miss those wonderful children a whole lot. Not to mention the other teachers and my fellow labor students, it was just an all around good work environment. This weekend is going to be full of goodbyes, some more permanent than others but that is okay. I keep thinking about that verse in Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Even though God was talking to the Israelite people, I think this verse is still applicable to His children today. No matter what lies ahead of me God will always be with me so as Paul says, " I will press on and keep fighting the good fight until that day comes when I am called home" (that is Amanda paraphrasation for you there). It has not really hit me yet that I am graduating from college in less than 48 hours. Maybe by the time Sunday rolls around it will, but there are still lots of goodbyes to be said, moving to be done, and lives to be lead. It has been a busy week and it's going to be an even busier weekend.
In other news as some of you may remember from last year, there have been goodwill bins placed in many of the dorms on campus. So this afternoon/evening I have been dorm hoping. I have to say that I have seen and found some pretty interesting things. I also gained a few extra things along the way like a huge duffle bag, a new backpack, and a trash  bag full of clothes. This should be an interesting addition to my current wardrobe.
In other other news I have unofficially but officially yet, gotten a duplex apartment with a trust worthy acquaintance It is exciting and will be officially moving in on the 15th. So yall should be on the lookout for me, for a bed and dresser?
I have been looking forward to this summer and what this next chapter in my life has in store. I am quiet excited to see what God has planned for me. My new job at the daycare starts on Monday so that will be fun I do believe. Also am thinking we should all meet up sometime soon I miss seeing you all. Sometimes I wish life would slow down a little bit and maybe even have a rewind button so to go back when we were all in one place and didn't have to travel very far to see one another.
I am getting sleepy so I should stop while I am ahead. But I'm sure I'll be making another post soon about graduating and starting my new job so be on the lookout. Captain Something Fun signing off.

1 comment:

Megan F. said...

Congratulations Amanda! I'll be on the lookout for you (although I don't know that I have many great resources around here). Also, we're going to be neighbors!! I'm pretty pumped about that. I already told Lucas you'd have to give me some gardening lessons because I am clearly in desperate need. Excited to see you and everyone else soon!