Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Tidbits for Twenty Somethings

Sunday, October 19, 2014


So I know it's been entirely too long since I made a blog post. No excuses other than exhaustion. I spend almost all of of my time outside of school working on school stuff. It's getting intense.

I'm currently smack dab in the middle of my solo week(s). They failed to tell me before this semester began that "solo week" actually means ten days or two weeks in the school world. For me, it's stretched over three weeks because of crazy scheduling issues. I began the two days before fall break, taught the three days after our two day fall break, and then have all of this week to teach.

It's been interesting since I've switched coordinating teachers in the middle of that. The first teacher left (this was planned if you remember) and after some crazy mess with hiring there is now a full time sub listed as my coordinating teacher (well as soon as he gets his paperwork complete). I was very nervous about this change, but it's been pretty good. He gives me different advice than my first teacher, but it's still solid advice. It lets me see that no one teacher has it all figured out and takes some of the pressure off of me.

It's also been an interesting few days since I know the students and the classroom routines more thoroughly than he. It's been a bit stressful since all the planning was on me. He has provided some material.

Enough school talk. What else have I done? I did start watching Gilmore Girls. It's entertaining. ;) I wish my mom and I had that sort of relationship, but then again I kind of like the relationship I have with my mom. So far it's just a happy, funny show that I use to break up my study/planning sessions.

One month and three weeks until graduation. Very little idea what I'm doing after that day, but I'll Scarlett O'Hara that thought. By the way, you are coming to my graduation, correct? December 7.

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